Monday, April 30, 2018

eye-scenes from april 2018 traveling poetry classes during national poetry month.

combined in one collection here are photos from april 2018 poetry classes mid-way through the month and on the second-to-last day, respectively at the bakery in st. peter's village featuring nayyirah waheed as a focus and students' writings and then river poems and more in pottstown. in what feels like the most important month of the year as national poetry month, it is a little challenging to picture it's truly ending tonight until 2019. but that's why i push poetry onward everyday. it's difficult not to when you're in these bones.

also, kumquats as citrus-babies are changing the world. at least i notice this is true when i share them with people and they try them for the first time. so they work well at poetry outings, too.


our usual spot by the schuylkill river could not be reached due to water filling up its own separate pond near the trail, so we spent our afternoon on benches yesterday. here is the path which we used to walk to get to our favorite spot for class. land can change so much in a short period of time, especially with rain. there is a much deeper lesson here, of course.

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