Tuesday, November 14, 2017

rita dove poems over pizza.

the writings of former u.s. poet laureate rita dove were a welcome focus in my traveling poetry class this past weekend at argento's pizza & family restaurant in boyertown. one student's poem involved a style adaptation and memory of the state (nebraska) of our previous class' focus, former. u.s. poet laureate ted kooser, too.

we don't limit ourselves to just poetry necessarily (other angles of approach in creative writing and experimentation on the page are quite allowed, to be more all-encompassing) or in the style of the writers' whose works we carve our thoughts through, but it has been that way lately, which is easily fine, too. and some of us don't necessarily write for each class. we just share reflections and offer perspectives to ponder across stanzas. so it's a nice balance, based on whatever we all want to and feel inspired to write or say or just hear.

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