Tuesday, November 15, 2016

railroad poetry.

last friday, my traveling poetry class took a train ride on the colebrookdale railroad. a first for all of us, we nearly swooned at the 1920s appeal of the décor of our surroundings and the garb of these dedicated volunteers. we enjoyed the ride from boyertown to pottstown and back so much that i think we all probably wish we had railroad poetry funds to do classes on the tracks more often.

we were also in awhhhhh mode that before the train revved up to choo-choo along, the narrator, a volunteer named doug, who used to work as a sound engineer in the film industry, welcomed our traveling poetry class across the loudspeakers. what a kind and simple yet meaningful effort. we were also enthusiastic to find out that the conductor was a woman named bonnie and that she does needlework and archery in addition to directing this local train while it's en route. she is one of several conductors who are volunteers.

some poetry is pending.

but here a railroad haiku to hold you over.


weaving through forest,
a train-turned-time-machine hugs
seasoned metal rails


Monday, November 7, 2016

berks bards-- first thursday poetry open mic in november 2016.

this past thursday, berks bards featured guest poet jack cantwell of lebanon before its monthly poetry open mic. cantwell is the editor of the local editions of the merchandiser in the region around the city of reading in berks county and also recently published a book of haibun. this form of writing blends haiku and prose poetry.

auction poetry-- one way to spend a friday in berks county.

at the end of october, my traveling poetry class ventured to an auction in kutztown on industrial avenue to stir ideas for our writing. we're still working on the content with typed words or in some cases ink. 

this particular afternoon carved out also very in line with what the pennsylvania americana region based in our area promotes across heritage, interests, and offerings in berks county.

here is some of what we scooped up with our eyes and brains that day.

and arline christ shared a poem with our class, at the auction, which she recently wrote in reflecting on her tai chi class. here is a picture of the poem in permanent marker. it is very nature-swept and has such organic choreography across movements, strong verbs, and only a few lines.